What is a Doula?
Doula comes from the Greek work 'Doule', which translates to ‘female helper/server’. A doula is there to provide support to mothers, both physically and emotionally. She works with the midwife or doctor to guide the new mom through her pregnancy, birth and postpartum. She helps to make your birthing day a truly beautiful and calm experience.
Supporting the mother and partner allows them to be immersed in the experience, knowing they will be guided and assisted throughout.

Should I have a Doula?
Since the beginning of time women giving birth have been surrounded by other women. Women are nurturing and understand the incredible experience of birth, therefore are looked to for guidance and support.
Having a doula present, helps a labouring mother remain centred and calm as she goes through each stage of the birth process. A doula will hold and encourage a mother, helping her breathe through each surge with guidance and love. A doula provides both emotional and physical support and will stay with the mother continuously through the process.
Led by the mother, a doula will assist in any choices a woman makes and will not impose any of her ideals on the new mom. A doula is there to support and not judge, to encourage and not dissuade, to nurture and assist. Find out more about a doulas role Here.

Energy Rebalancing
What a wonderful journey. From the moment you discover you are pregnant, and your body is changing, to birthing that beautiful baby Pregnancy causes many shifts in your body and once baby is born your body may feel like you need to balance and repair.
I combine Reiki, reflexology and meditation into one healing session. A moment for you. Come and experience calm and be refreshed. An hour of relaxation and gentle healing.
Working the entire body, I can help move your blocked energy. Reiki is working on the energy flow and reflexology will boost your organs. I have been doing energy work for 23 years and I can guide you through the postpartum healing period.